I am the project manager for the Use of Research Methods Repository, a resource for the URE community to collaborate and share tools.
My role is to shepherd the URE Methods Repository into its next stage of life. Created by Drew Gitmor et al and originally hosted at Rutgers, Transforming Evidence are now collaborating with King’s College London to develop this resource further. My intention is to support researchers/stakeholders in the URE space to move beyond disciplinary silos by sharing methods/protocols across different research areas.
System building & sharing knowledge
I have had an eclectic career to date, spending most of it in advice and advocacy services in the third sector. As a self-described ‘grumpy feminist’ it is fitting that most of this has been focused in the Violence Against Women’s and Girls (VAWG) sector. Over time I naturally drifted to roles that took on a more strategic role, aiming to support front line work with a focus on streamlining systems and the sharing of knowledge and data.
Collaborative engagement
I started my work as a front-line practitioner in advice and advocacy services. I know first hand the power that practitioners can bring to research and vice versa. I see my role in building and developing systems as playing a small part to help bridge this gap to strengthen the quality of both research and practice.
Thinking spatially
Alongside my role at King’s, I am undertaking a Masters degree in Geographic Data Science. With an initial degree in Mathematics and Philosophy, I have always been intrigued by the power (and limits!) of quantitative methods to unpick big questions in the world. Understanding the role that ‘place’ has in determining outcomes for people across society seems pivotal to this.