Learning from community & Indigenous participatory research
The DECODE Knowledge Project
The DECODE Knowledge Project
Insights from the field
Learning from the WCPP research team
A new report on a collaborative international approach
Does proximity to government relate to scientists' alignment on policy advice?
Lessons for education from two decades of research
What works in academic-policy engagement?
Independent policy evaluations: more than one way to work together
How we set out to map the patient experience evidence base
Unlocking the power of the purse to shift evidence use
Evidence intermediary organisations – what should their future be?
Nomenclature and reporting principles for evaluation and future study
Building better methods means building better spaces for exchange: and we need your help.
Partnerships & knowledge are becoming more equitable. What about knowledge mobilisation?
Same goals, different hurdles: Understanding the unique obstacles of a different context
Does the UK need an observatory for university engagement with policymakers?
Can we inform policy while avoiding politics when science is politicized?
Evidence-intermediaries working together to strengthen national evidence-support systems
Three insights from a global south practitioner
Mapping the character of discussions gives insights into evidence use in policy decisions
A framework for exploring knowledge translation in diverse contexts
It is possible to map systems, the challenges lie in agreeing on measurable indicators
Cross-border science is normal, parliaments should collaborate globally too
Setting goals for research-policy engagement
The Honest Broker: more than meets the eye.
To understand evidence use, understand the goals of decision makers
Differences in evaluation frameworks can be traced back to underlying epistemologies
Professor Leaza McSorley writes about her insights on Rebuilding a Resilient Britain
Trusting relationships are at the heart of putting evidence into practice
COVID-19 shows why evidence-based policy idealists should acknowledge political values
Social sciences explain why systems lack openness to generating and using some evidence
What do we know about developing relationships across sectors?
Tackling this neglected area can help us develop policy-relevant solutions.
Linear approaches to evidence use have a long history and serious limitations
Findings from three reports on how academia engages with parliament
We have to create partnerships designed to deal with this social reality
If the people decide where to go, should experts decide how to get there?
Now's the time to change relationships with policymakers, practitioners and communities
Recent analysis shows we are on the right track in finding out how to assess impact
Our workshop explored the many challenges of how to improve a tricky relationship
Mark Monaghan interviews a leading thinker on evidence-based policy
Two experts from the Early Intervention Foundation summarise some varied approaches
Nuffield Foundation workshop marks the start of Transforming Evidence in September 2018
The co-founder of Transforming Evidence explains how it fits into the landscape
Government analysts reflect on what they did to evaluate the Troubled Families Programme
It's hard to describe but the ecosystem requires a wide range of roles and skills
It's important to discuss how, why and when policymakers obtain evidence
Reflections on a key Transforming Evidence development event in London
Academics, funders and policymakers need to work out research can influence policy