Pushing’ research evidence gets us only so far.
Linear approaches to evidence have a long history but they severe limitation.

Date: 09 Jun 2023 Producer: Geoff Marsh Length: 29.12
In a new series, Transforming Evidence's Jonathan Breckon talks with leaders of evidence intermediary bodies.
This week Eric Barends, Managing Director of the Center for Evidence Based Management shares his experiences in running the Center, what he wishes he'd had known at the start and how he has managed politics and being politically impartial and independent.
The Center for Evidence Based Management is an independent non-profit organization that was founded by an international group of management scholars and practitioners. It is the leading authority on evidence-based practice in the field of management and leadership,providing support and resources to managers, consultants, organizations, teachers, academics and others interested in learning more about evidence-based decision-making and practices in the field of management and leadership.