Pushing’ research evidence gets us only so far.
Linear approaches to evidence have a long history but they severe limitation.

Date: 23 Jun 2023 Producer: Geoff Marsh Length: 33.21
In our In Conversation series, Transforming Evidence's Jonathan Breckon talks with leaders of evidence intermediary bodies.
This week, Laura Boeira of The Veredas Institute shares her experience in connecting policymakers with research, the Institutes' ethos of 'radical collaboration' - making all their work public, and their counterintuitive objective of putting themselves out of business.
The Veredas Institute was created in 2016 to build bridges between the public sector, academia, and civil society by proposing solutions that generate greater access to technical and scientific knowledge in the implementation of public policies. It is part of the World Health Organizations’ Evidence-Informed Policy Network (EVIPNet), developing policy briefs and deliberative dialogues.